
"Good food - better adventure"

Provisioning for an adventure on the Lake has two significant problems.

The best solution for the small craft owner is to tow an inflatable dingy. A nine foot dinghy can hold one hundred litres of water, a weeks supply of food and still draw under 100mm. While a dinghy does slow the craft somewhat it must be remembered that you are adventure cruising - not racing. For day sails from remote bases the dinghy can be left on the beach allowing the main craft to travel lighter (thus shallower) and quicker.

For safety sake always carry three days food and water on the main craft. Circumstances may prevent return to the dinghy. In extreme weather you may have to cut the dinghy free! Three days should see you back at home base from anywhere on the Lake.

Provisioning for adventures is an artform that the Commodore leaves to the First Mate. The basic principals of a good provisioner involve techniques for making varied but nutritional meals from basic ingredients that can be stored in a less than ideal environment.